As I cruise the pages of blogs, I am truly amazed at the bitterness and self-pity I find among the pages. Many who know of my "circumstances" tell me how sorry they are for me, and they say they empathize. In response I must say that I am not sorry for my "circumstances". This is my life and every obstacle and experience enriches it further. I have 4 beautiful children, each with his and her own unique gifts. Our lives are filled with laughter, music, and song. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the gifts I was graced with. I am however, sad for my children. How can I not be. I dry their tears when they are down. It breaks my heart to see my children cry. I am sad for my oldest son, he would like to play football at school, but as he has yet to overcome his seizures, this will not happen soon. I am sad for all of the people who cannot find the silver lining in their raincloud, because I have found mine, with the added bonus of a rainbow.