It has been a while since my last post. I have been browsing the blogs (on and have seen that not much has changed. People are still bashing other people. One persons expertise is blasted nastily by another and vice-versa. I wish people would understand that there is not ONE cause of Autism nor is there one "right" treatment...And there is no "MAGICAL CURE". People are accusing others of being "quacks"...(and some of them may very well be) however, please bring incontrovertible proof. I would just like everyone to know that we are all in this together...we all have our parts that we are destined to play. The brilliant thing about the "WRONG" answers is that it narrows our search for the "CORRECT" answers! (What was the question again?) The very real pitfall is that some of this misinformation does tend to confuse those who are new to the whole "Who's who in Autism" game. And that is how I perceive people are treating this whole farce of so-called "enlightenment". As one huge game. The only rule this game has is to trash other peoples opinions. Bravo.